Kickstart Your Success With An

OPSWA Membership

Unlock exclusive benefits and save up to $776 a year

Become An Opswa Certified PSW

The Ontario PSW Association is here to guide you on your pathway to success as a PSW.

Trust the OPSWA Badge!

Memberships provide exclusive access to:

Please note: these benefits are available to all members except Affiliate Members.


OPSWA Verified Credentials

Welcome to the Future of Credentialing! Introducing a digital solution to easily manage your designation and industry credentials.

Members Enjoy Perks From These Brands

This is your Healthcare Passport

Work within the CANSWA/OPSWA community with the advantage of belonging to an organization that advances the professionalism of frontline healthcare workers.

Find the membership that’s right for you


Have confidence knowing that you are protected with our $2 million liability insurance coverage.


A FREE Membership to OPSWA during your time in school.


NOT for PSWs, but for other front-line health care professionals.

Provincial Accredited

For agencies operating in more than one region in Ontario.


A new way to offer security and peace of mind to you and your clients.

International PSW

For new Canadians who are legally allowed to work in Canada.

Perinatal Support Worker

For Perinatal Support Workers who have completed their schooling.

OPSWA Certification Badge Process

Employers, Check for the OPSWA Verification Badge