
Panels, Educational & Public Committees

  • Aging Without Violence – Committee Member
  • ALPHA Program Advisory Group – CLRI/Baycrest – Advisor
  • Behavioral Supports Ontario – Advisory Board Member
  • Bruyere Institute: Deprescribing Champion Committee
  • Canadian Dementia Priority Committee (Past)
  • CARE+ Steering Committee -St. Michaels Unity Health Toronto
  • Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – HCWs COVID 19 Study – Advisory Committee Member
  • COVID-19 Supply Chain Communications SCANH: Supply Chain Advancement
  • Earn As You Learn Advisory Committee Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Center
  • Flagging for Medication Review Committee – Bruyere Research Institute
  • Health Quality Ontario – Dementia & Delirium
  • House of Commons standing committee: Violence against Healthcare Workers (Panelist)
  • HUMA Parliamentary Committee – Expert Witness
  • Justice Committee – Parliamentary Committee – Expert Witness
  • Long Term Care Inquiry (Past)
  • LTC Quality and Staffing Roundtable Consultation – Advisor
  • Ministry of Health and Long Term Care – Estimates Committee – Committee Member
  • Mohawk College PSW Program Advisory Committee
  • National Association of Career Colleges – Advisory Board Member
  • National Association of Career Colleges – PSW Curriculum Advisory Committee
  • NELHIN – PSW Steering Committee member
  • Network in Health, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor
  • Northeast Regional PSW Steering Committee – Northeast Local Health Integration Network
  • OPSWA Professional Affairs and Services Committee
  • Parkinson’s Society of SouthWestern Ontario – Signature Event Board member
  • Patients First: Action Plan for Healthcare – Committee Member
  • Project Advisory Panel – Canadian Standards Association
  • PSW Advisory Committee Mohawk College – Chair
  • PSW Curriculum Committee – National Association Career Colleges
  • PSW Ministry of Labour Health and Safety Committee (Past)
  • Quality Mental Health Care Network – Steering Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada
  • Reconciling Risks – Responding Ethically to Potential Harms: Panelist
  • Staffing Supply Accelerator Group – Committee Member
  • The Public Inquiry into the Safety and Security of Resident in the Long Term Care Homes System – Participant
  • UN (CSW65) Canadian Side Event – The Impact of Women Leaders on COVID-19 – Panelist
  • University Health Network – Advisory Board member
  • Wellness Hub research and support program Steering Committee – St. Michaels Unity Health Toronto

OPSWA Committee's

  • Professional Advisory Committee
  • PSW Education Committee
  • PSW Apprenticeship/Internship Committee
  • Veterans Committee
  • PSW Professional Development Committee

Interested in joining an OPSWA Committee?